Monday, October 14, 2013

Transcontinental RR. (Life in camp)

                                                                  Life In Camp.  (Kilby)

      Life on camp was rough and never a consistant stay. People built their own homes and had to gather their own food. People were always on the move, because there was never a time when they could stay to long. When winter came around people packed up their wares, took down the shacks, and would follow along a newly-laid track. As they moved on they divided prospective towns into lots, which carried emigrants west. July 4, 1867 Greniville Dodge picked a location in Wyoming territory calling it Cheyenne. They called this the division point for the Union Pacific.



  1. Good job! I really understood what you were trying to say about your topic.

  2. I must say I really liked your word choice in your article, it really helped to articulate your point.

  3. life on camp must have been tough from all that moving
