Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jefferson Davis

            Jefferson Finis Davis, in Latin means final, was born June 3rd 1808. He was the first and only president of the confederate states of America. Jefferson was born in Kentucky and raised in Mississippi. He was the tenth and youngest child of the revolutionary war soldier as well as a planter and politician. He then attended college in Kentucky at Transylvania before he went into the U.S military Academy at West Pint in 1824. Jefferson Davis was elected president for the confederate states of America on November 6th 1861 for a 6 year serve, when he had already been serving as the temporary president for almost a year.

            Jefferson Davis was many things as well as an understanding American citizen. That's until his home state of Mississippi called on him yo join the session from the U.S. He turned to the same of 'traitor' of the U.S He is still to be remembered. Davis was important to the Civil war because he was the American politician who served as President of the confederate states of America for his entire history during the civil war. He fought in the Mexican-American war as a colonel of a volunteer regiment, and was the secretary of war under Franklin Pierce. He served as a U.S senator from Mississippi as well. He believed that states had the right to secede and he was going to fight for that belief. he was and always will be remembered as the hero of the confederacy.

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