Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Andrew Carnegie

                                                                Andrew Carnegie

               Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scottland on November 35, 1835. He was a Scottish immigrant who rose from bobbin boy in a textile factory to owner of a steel company in Pittsburgh. At the age of 13. He worked for twelve hours a day at six days a week, making only $1.25 a week. Carnegie was a successful business man who began the vertical intergation, (A company with vertical intergation that owns all the different businesses which depends for its operation). Carnegie as well led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry. He found ways to produce steel faster, cheaper and better. At this time he became the riches man and was important for supporting and giving most of his wealth to the community. Andrew was the pioneering tycoon. His steel empire made the raw materials that built the physical infrastructure of the United States, and produced steel to make machinery and transportation.

                                                                By: Kayla Kilby


  1. Wow, Andrew was a very successful man, good article.

  2. Great article! I enjoyed the way you accurately depicted Carnegie's life in a single paragraph. It was well organized and short but fit in the necessary details.

  3. Like the design and the photos, good job.

  4. Awesome work. Keep it up

  5. Nice article, glad to know he did well with his monopoly.

  6. Replies
    1. And wow what a successful man really somethin

  7. Really nice job like the pictures.

  8. It was really informative! Great job Kayla!!

  9. Great job! I liked how you added information on his life when he was young.
